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- Work on Alta Vista road results in removal of beaver habitat/
By Brandon Barrett
Conservationist calls it ‘textbook example’ of Resort Municipality of Whistler prioritizing infrastructure over wildlife
Recent work by the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) to prevent damage to a road in Alta Vista, which resulted in the removal of a beaver dam from a nearby pond, is “a textbook example” of the RMOW putting infrastructure over wildlife habitat, according to a longtime local conservationist. Last month, the municipality began work in the neighbourhood to ensure the integrity of the road on Hillcrest Drive after a beaver dam had caused the water of the pond to rise “to a level that it was seeping underneath the road,” which was “at risk of failure,” explained Whistler Mayor Jack Crompton.…
Source:: Work on Alta Vista road results in removal of beaver habitat
October 3, 2019
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