Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation fundraiser returning to Whistler after multi-year hiatus

By Brandon Barrett
‘we’re back for mental health’ on sept. 12 will feature live music, dinner and silent auction

two of b.c.’s biggest advocates for youth mental health are reviving a fundraiser for the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation after a years-long hiatus from Whistler. Whistlerites Kerry and Ginny Dennehy, who launched the non-profit in 2001 following the suicide of their 17-year-old son, Kelty, are hosting “We’re Back for Mental Health” next month, the first major foundation fundraiser held in the resort in more than a decade.…

Source:: Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation fundraiser returning to Whistler after multi-year hiatus

August 22, 2019


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