Canadian Wuhan evacuees set to stop in Vancouver

By By Glen Korstrom/ Business in Vancouver
Plane expected to refuel at Vancouver airport before flying to Trenton, Ontario

The Canadian government plans to fly as many as 306 Canadians out of Wuhan, China, where the city of 11 million people is under a quarantine enforced by the Chinese government as a precaution to try to control the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The Chinese government has yet to approve documents for those Canadians, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne told media Feb. 3.The government’s plan is to fly a plane first to Hanoi, Vietnam, where it will await Chinese government approval to land in Wuhan, where the airport is closed.…

Source:: Canadian Wuhan evacuees set to stop in Vancouver

February 3, 2020


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